In my experience, investing in the platforms your teams rely on to build, deliver, and support your products and services yields significant long-term returns. Conversely, underinvestment leads to higher costs over time and a gradual decline in team velocity and productivity.

I’m using the term platform here to refer to a broad set of tools, systems, and processes employed in the creation of value for customers. In short - the tools that help you to get the job done.

In the software and product world the major platforms are those that support the development process and those that facilitate the deployment and operation of your product. Think of your infrastructure, whether on-prem or hosted in the cloud. Think of your source code management system and processes. Think of the systems used to monitor and support your products. Think of the tools and processes used by teams responsible for the ongoing value creation within your organisation.

In my experience, under-investment in your core platforms ultimately slows you down, and by the time you notice you’re probably far enough along that it is going to be slow and painful to reverse course.

Ask yourself some questions to help identify the areas of your key platforms that may require additional investment

  • How are your products deployed? Does the deployment process require manual intervention? How long does the process take? Is it repeatable?
  • Do you manage multiple product environments? Is your configuration shared across environments? How long does it take to stand up a new environment? How quickly can you roll out changes to an environment?
  • Do people in your team encounter friction when engaging with the platform as a whole?

Ask yourself these questions and be honest in your answers. Ask the same of those on your team. Your view as a leader is likely to be different from those who are “hands-on” in the process, dealing with these platforms day-in and day-out.

Invest in platform

Investment in the platforms you rely on to build, deliver, and support your products and services yields significant long-term returns.